Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On the 11th day of Christmas...

Green Baby Elephant gave to me, cold relief for baby! 10% off NasaKleen Aspirators. Don't let the idea of sucking out baby's snot gross you out. It's so much easier and cleaner than a traditional bulb aspirator. Baby's boogies won't touch your lips, and the aspirator cleans up easily as it comes apart in pieces. And I have to admit that there's something super satisfying about seeing what came out of MW's nose while I'm cleaning the aspirator. Gross, I know. But I think I'm in safe company with you mamas, and can admit something that yucky. So don't wait until your little one has a cold. Now is the perfect time to pick up a NasaKleen Aspirator to put in the medicine cabinet.

Don't forget to enter the giveaways that are going on over at Green Baby Elephant. Tomorrow's the last day for both giveaways and the 12 days of Christmas specials.

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